Accidents at work and the management of occupational safety risks still present a major problem in industrialised countries and in industries in the developing world.
The Working-On-Safety Network aims to establish a permanent network of experts in accident prevention, an informal forum for the exchange of experiences, new findings and best practices for the prevention of accidents at work on a global scale. Successful prevention relies on increased co-operation between experts who have different experiences and approaches. Knowledge grows with improved exchange and collaboration.
In this context, every 2 years a three-day conference of the network is organised to facilitate these exchanges by organising face-to-face encounters. Network members will have the opportunity to discuss their experiences, compare successes and failures, and initiate collaboration for better controlling risks at work.
Following the success of the 1st Working on Safety Conference in Denmark (2002), the 2nd Conference in Germany (2004) and the 3rd Conference in the Netherlands (2006), the 4th Conference is being organized in Greece, on October 2008 by the Hellenic Institute for Occupational Health and Safety (ELINYAE).
The conference is supported by the Ministry of Employment and Social Protection, the International Labour Office (ILO), the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work and the European Network of Safety & Health Professional Organisations (ENSHPO). 

 | To understand the impact of the changing work environment on occupational safety
|  | To investigate safety interventions that effectively respond to the challenges for accident prevention in a changing work environment
|  | To communicate good practices and successful solutions in accident prevention, especially in SMEs, to colleagues around the world
|  | To get experts and representatives from different groups together for an exchange of experiences and to establish an international network of collaborating colleagues. |
Please click below to download the 2nd announcement of the Conference 
